The Be Well Blog

Why We Choose Cold-Process Bar Soaps

Why We Choose Cold-Process Bar Soaps

We make our own bar soap because we wanted to control the ingredients.

Soap 101: When lye water is added to oils it goes through a chemical reaction called saponification. No lye remains in the final product. Soap can not be made without this process.

Pitfalls in conventional soaps: unlisted ingredients, toxic ingredients, fragrance oils, and artificial colors. Many homemade soaps contain fragrance oils and pigment colors. I wanted pure clean delicious soap. 

There are 3 basic types of soap making: melt + pour, cold process, and hot process.

Melt + pour is a pre made base you can buy, melt, and add colorants and scents, you can not control the ingredients, Most natural soaps we found are being made like this. Benefit, you don’t have to work with lye and no cure time.

Cold process is working with ingredients at room temperature mostly, making your own lye water, going through the saponification process. Benefit, the ability to add therapeutic grade essential oils, fresh juices and purees.

Hot process starts out the same as the cold but you heat it for several hours before pouring it into molds. You can not use fresh juices or purees or essential oils. Benefit, cure time is only a few days.

We chose to make cold-process soap. We simply wanted to control all the ingredients, add freshly pressed juices, coconut milk, and use essential oils. The downside of cold processed soap....there is a 4-6 week cure time, so patience is a must!

Labeling of soap is very regulated and important, but let's save that for another day.

Shop our cold process organic bar soaps HERE. Happy lathering!

Love + Be Well,

by Natalie


Why is skin pH important?

Why is skin pH important?

Here is a crash course on everything you need to know about Skin pH + why it matters

We have all heard the words "pH balanced" and instinctively know its important but lets breakdown why, shall we.

What is skin’s pH?

Its all about balance, just like everything in life!
The skin’s pH maintains the balance of acidity and alkalinity that protects us from germs, the elements, and toxic substances while keeping us keeping us hydrated and storing nutrients and minerals.
The optimal pH level of skin on most of our face and body lies between 4.7 and 5.75. A pH of 7 (that of pure water) is considered neutral. Anything below that is acidic and above it alkaline, so skin’s natural pH is mildly acidic.

An acidic pH is optimal for proper cell turnover, hydration, and skin barrier function. Skin is protected by the acid mantle, which is a thin film on its surface composed of lipids from oil glands and amino acids from sweat that serves as a barrier, and a breakdown in this barrier leaves skin susceptible to inflammatory conditions, dehydration, and accelerated aging. An acidic pH helps keep your skin balanced, healthy, and radiant.

Why does skin’s pH matter?

pH has a huge impact on our skin’s barrier function, moisture retention, and our  microorganism (bacteria) environment, just like our gut health. If the skin’s pH rises into the alkaline range, its natural balance is disturbed. Remember, it's all about balance! This could lead to compromising skin's barrier function, and water loss from the skin and overgrowth of acne-causing bacteria.

Some external factors that can stress the skin:

  • Changes in temperature and humidity
  • Dirt and pollution
  • Chemical exposure
  • Washing too frequently
  • Using harsh products that strip your skin
  • Over exfoliation

Overindulgence in these items can alter your pH to become more alkaline and cause your skin to overproduce oil:

  • Dairy products
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Deli meats

Our skins pH is constantly changing based on diet, sleep, environment, and the products we use. Supporting your skin's natural environment is the key to happy healthy balanced skin.

How to Support Your Skin's natural pH on the outside:

Ditch conventional skincare products that strip your skins natural acid mantel leaving it vulnerable

Nourish your skin with natural facial cleansing oils

Consume probiotics in your diet and use probiotic skincare to support healthy bacteria inside and out

Moisturize your skin with natural oil based products that seal in moisture and further protect your acid mantel from the elements


Hope this was helpful and you feel more empowered with knowledge to make better choices for your skin!

5 Dangerous Ingredients in conventional deodorants you should avoid

5 Dangerous Ingredients in conventional deodorants you should avoid

Not gonna lie, we like to brag on our clean products especially The Best Deodorant! 

​Our deodorant is our #1 selling product year round, no fail, reaching new customers every single day. Why? Because clean deodorant is a must do for all of us. Yes, it is still a choice, but once you know the dangers of conventional deodorants you just can't "un know" it😱.

We wouldn't swallow a spoonful of toxic ingredients, but for some reason we are ok smearing them all over our bodies with skincare and our underarms with deodorant, which actually may be worse!

​Here's the truth👉 - when we eat something our bodies break it down through our digestive system, but when we place something on our skin it enters our bloodstream directly...NO FILTER!

Conventional deodorants are filled with endocrine disruptors, these are chemicals that mess with your body's reproductive and developmental hormones. Some of these chemicals are absorbed through your skin and stored in your fat cells. Kind of a big deal right?!? We think so!

☠️ 5 Dangerous ingredients conventional deodorants + skincare contain:

+parabens - preservative linked to estrogen interference

+aluminum - metal linked to tumor growth

​+triclosan - disrupts your skins bacteria balance + thyroid function

​+phthalates - compounds that makes fragrance "stick" around and is linked to testosterone disruption

​+fragrance - it's impossible to know what chemicals are concealed under this word because scents are protected under the law and do not have to be disclosed

Even natural deodorants can cause irritation! from widely used baking soda
​which can itch, stain your clothes and clog your pores, as well as butters and oils that can do the same. Most include heavy use of essential oils to "cover up" smell, and some even contain animal products😢

NOW you know🙏

READING LABELS matters, even when it comes to our skincare. We are our own best advocate when it comes to our health. We get to decide what goes in our bodies!

​Just say no to toxic chemicals☠️

SWITCH you and your family to clean + safe The Best Deodorant w/ probiotics today☺️

Love + Be Well

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the Skincare Chef

the Skincare Chef

Creating delicious recipes to feed the belly is one thing, creating delicious recipes to feed the skin is another. Or is it......

Applying the same principals I studied and applied to reverse my multiple sclerosis with real whole food, I applied to my skincare and it has proven to be pure magic. Leaving behind the chemical laden conventional beauty products that once lined my bathroom shelves, now replaced with clean, organic, food grade skincare products that have my skin healthier than it has ever been.

I designed be well skincare products by creating recipes to feed the skin and work synergistically together becoming force multipliers when combined. My recipes keep you and your health first with every recipe I create, bypassing all fillers, emulsifiers, preservatives and every other nasty that fills most beauty products today.

How does the beauty industry get away with loading their products with known toxins you ask? Because our beauty industry is basically the wild wild west with zero regulations. Companies can say and do as they wish, and yes, even lie to us.

Once I discovered this simple yet shocking reality we live in, I set out to create safe clean skin food I could trust while delivering even better results.

be well skincare aims to have every ingredient listed on our labels recognizable to our customers, zero googling required. If you recognize an ingredient as food, so will your body, it's that simple. When we consume food our body actually has several filters; however, with skincare there are no filters because once it's applied to our skin it goes directly into our bloodstream. 

What can I make for you today?


Love & be well,


founder/ShEO/the Skincare Chef



Natalie Shultz White founder be well company

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be well Launches Industry Changing Natural Deodorant

be well Launches Industry Changing Natural Deodorant

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